Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bregman for boredom

(link to aolnews)

Now for a heartwarming tale of the human spirit. Peter Bregman, CEO of Bregman Partners Inc, had an interesting experience with his iPad. He ended up returning it because it was too good; in his own words "It's too easy. Too accessible. For the most part, it does everything I could want. Which, as it turns out, is a problem." Bregman got addicted to his iPad; using it to write emails and articles, check the news and weather, and watching episodes of Weeds. It seems that he was always stimulated and had something exciting to do, however, he missed the feeling of boredom that he needed to feel whole. "Being bored is a precious thing, a state of mind we should pursue, my best ideas come to me when I am unproductive. To lose those moments, to replace them with tasks and efficiency, is a mistake." Instead of consuming his time with iPad adventures, he now spends more quality time with his daughter.

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