Saturday, August 29, 2009

New segment 'Dion McGregor'

We welcome Dion McGregor to Infinite Frequencies! Infinite Frequencies are pleased to bring you the works of a true genius. As budding songwriters, Dion and his roommate are famous for writing a song that Barbra Streisand recorded on an album: Where is the Wonder. However, Dion's songwriting career did not make him very successful and he went on to make his mark in the niche area of being a somniliquist. He not only documented his dreams, but he would read his dreams out as they happened while he was asleep!! Wikipedia states that "McGregor talked in his sleep. Not in quiet, barely-comprehensible mumbles: while he slept, McGregor would essentially narrate his dreams at conversational volume."

Every second or third episode, we will play another dream recording and then raise it for discussion. In this dream, Dion takes part in a scavenger hunt and we hear all the fantastical things that he must find. It sounds like he is in a group with two other people, but it's not clear who they are. Enjoy the scavenger hunt!

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