Monday, August 17, 2009

Episode 0003 - the love generator episode, sponsored by Bob Sinclair/St Clare

Moreso and Plankers' latest podcast has been fully uploaded to the Pod-O-matic!!
Download and subscribe, listen, email, comment. Vote for Infinite Frequencies on Podcast Alley if it's possible. Become an infinite friend on MySpace or Facebook. Rate and review us on itunes; search for 'Infinite Frequencies'. Once again we have delivered a quality offering for your serious consideration. In this episode, we have moved our recording setup from the couch to the table, with interesting results! Listen for 2:59 when you can hear Harvey's mobile phone interfering with the equipment. Pleased to be sponsored by the awesome and fully-sick Bob Sinclair or possibly St Clare. Apologies to Richard Sanchez fans; Richard Sanchez sung the classic tune If I Had Another Chance at Love, not Bob as Phillip mistakenly claimed.

Music for this episode:
I Have Friends by the Bran Flakes from album Illegal Art

Surf Kennedy (2008) by Gay Black Republican from album Capitol Wave (view amazing live performance on MySpace video link)
Free download from MohawkRadio

Robot minister (with sponge hands) performs wedding (link)

The title says it all! Tiro the robot performed a wedding ceremony in South Korea. Pastor Bill Ingraham is excited about this, and thinks robots might make good ministers; maybe even better than humans. Robots are cool, but this one just looks like a joke. We're not sure of his religious affiliations but think he may be involved with the controversial AI cult The Church of the Sentient Machine masterminded by Jabez L. Van Cleef.

Tiro the teacher (link)

Not content just to be a minister, Tiro has moved on to teaching at Euon Primary School in the central South Korean city of Daejon, 250 kilometers south of Seoul. He loves talking to kids and getting them to play role-playing games on his chest. He'd have a bit of a problem writing on the blackboard though; it's hard to hold chalk with sponges for hands. Apparently robot teachers are a growing trend in futuristic societies like Japan and Korea, soon to replace humans.

iPhone your prayers to cybervirtual God of internets (link)

An iPhone app has been created by whiz kid Allen Wright that allows users to send electronic prayers. This application can be used by people who are lonely and who want to feel like someone cares about them. No word on what happens to the prayers once they're sent; you can't be sure they'll make it all the way to the deity of your choice. In this sick and twisted app, other users may be able to read your prayer and vote thumbs up or thumbs down. I suggest contests for best prayer, prayer of the month and most prayers by a single user.

Twitter your litter into the wailing wall (link)

Twitter introduces new tweet your prayers service to deliver prayers to Jerusalem's famous kotel AKA Western wall AKA wailing wall. Once sent, Twitter staff will personally go and insert prayers between stones of the wall. Vandalism? You be the judge! Jews have been praying at the wall for centuries, however, I'm not sure if they put their prayers into the wall; if you have prayed at the wailing wall, email us and describe the practices. The terms of service include the disclaimer that "There is absolutely no guarantee if, when and how your prayers will be answered." They have to say that to cover themselves, but I want an iron-clad guarantee for this one.

Google suggests: go eat a... (link)

Google has begun predicting search terms as soon as you start to enter words. This means that it can tell you searches beginning with the word or words of your choice, making for interesting and highly amusing results! A funny website has some examples of this along with much of what Harvey talked about.

New segment 'Criswell Predicts' (link)

The Amazing Criswell AKA Jeron Criswell King was a natural psychic with a flair for making outlandish predictions. See linked Wikipedia article for more information on life and times of CRISWELL!! In this segment, we play a Criswell prediction for our listeners. You will hear a bold and even shocking vision of what the future WILL hold for fashion and body art. These are some predictions that were surpressed because those damn advertisers clomped very heavily down on Criswell, so he had to censor himself. "Let us remember the past, honour the present, and be amused at the future."

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