Monday, October 10, 2011

Ed Miliband or Milibland?

Ed Miliband is the leader of the labour party of in Britain. In this clip we see what could be a very-lifelike android that appears to be the real Ed Miliband. He keeps saying 'At a time when negotiations are still going on', 'The government has acted in a reckless and provocative manner', and 'Put aside the rhetoric, get around the negotiating table, and stop it happening again'. His spiel seems to go round in circles, and is classic political propaganda tactics. He may be the human Ed Miliband, but some of his facial gestures seem quite odd (like when he blinks and nods) and his eyeballs look artificial. Either way he's not real real, but is he human real? He could even be under the influence of mind control, that or ice.
These Strikes are Wrong - Ed Milliband

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