Sunday, May 2, 2010

Moon8 - Pink Floyd on NES!

(link to Moon8)
Finally, what the world has been waiting for is an 8-bit version of Pink Floyd's seminal work Dark Side of the Moon! It was developed so that it can be played on the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System, but can also be played on computer, CD, or (the best way to listen) imported directly to your auditory cortex! Brad Smith created this amazing album, and poses the question to the world "Have you ever wondered what Dark Side of the Moon would sound like if Pink Floyd had written it for NES, instead of for a rock band?" No I never wondered that before, but I'm glad Brad did and has come up with a solution to a problem I wasn't aware of. Moon8 is free for all Floydfreaks or NESheads to enjoy, and his website has links to some cool interviews that he's done. Thanks Brad!

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