Thursday, September 24, 2009

Infinite Frequencies commences tweeting

Hello to all our numerous friends and supporters all over and throughout the WORLD!! We are in process of recording another show when time permits in Harvey and Phillip's energetic schedule and life process. However, we can guarantee that we will be back with a vengeance and already have a show recorded to release in future times. So for now, you may have to wait a bit for your next hit of IF.

We are now pleased to announce that we are on Twitter, and warmly invite you to follow our journey. We will post tweets with news articles of interest plus anything that comes up. Do a search for "InfiniteFreq" on Twitter and follow us for eternity.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Coach tells players to eat more eggs

The coach of India's rugby sevens team told players that they need to bulk up if they are to have any hope at next year's Commonwealth Games. His dietary advice: eat seven meals and AT LEAST 15 eggs a day! Players could conceivably eat even more than 15 eggs if they wish, though I don't think they'd want to. It is unclear how long this regiment should be maintained, presumably until the start of the games on the 3rd of October, 2010. If this is correct, then these Indian rugby players will be pigging out for well over a year! It is even possible that the coach suggests that they should maintain this diet for the rest of their playing careers! This may risk their health and safety. Hopefully, coach Norman Laker has sought the advice of professional dietitians before putting forward his suggestion. Seven meals a day sounds like a good idea; I've heard that it's healthy to space out several little meals over the day, and I suspect it would be even more beneficial considering the strenuous physical lifestyles of the rugby players. However, Laker's claim that players should eat AT LEAST 15 eggs a day is quite controversial. For one thing, they are going to have bad farts! Eating so many eggs for a sustained period of time is sure to result in problematic digestion and some smelly exhaust.

Norman has specified that they should eat six eggs for breakfast and the remaining nine throughout the rest of the day. Indians are not generally known for being bulky so this radical new diet may beef them up a bit. Read the article here.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Andrew Weather King

Here's one that didn't make it on to the podcast but is very intriguing. You in for a treat with the news that our old pal Andrew W.K. is doing weather spots for the Fox23 TV station in America! Folks may remember that Andrew Fetterly Wilkes-Krier first broke onto the scene back in 2001 with his solo album I Get Wet on Island Records. Since then, Andrew has continued on with his hard-rocking style and has earned some acclaim. I (Phillip) must confess that I have never listened even at ALL to Andrew W.K. apart from that one hit he had so I cannot profess to know anything about his musical prowess. However, he did make it on to this news show doing the weather and he brings his quirky personality to what is usually quite a bland segment. The anchor can't stop laughing but it is not THAT funny! I was a little disturbed at the tight white clothes that Andrew is wearing; they seem to be a sign of some kind of masonic/satanic affiliation that he has. Watch this stupid video for yourself on the YouTubes.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Episode 0005 - sponsored by Bob Dylan

The great mumbler Bob Dylan is our sponsor for this episode. Phillip and Harvey are fans of Bob Dylan, and we are honoured to have Bobby boy on board with Infinite Frequencies! Some background music in this episode features Bob Dylan MIDI music and a rare recording of I Want You from the album "Dylan and the Dead" - Bob Dylan with moral support and accompaniment by The Grateful Dead; a match made in heaven!

As mentioned in this episode, there is a fantastic video of Bob Dylan getting very riled up because somebody threw a glass from his hotel window. Apparently, nobody knows who did it because they're all too pissed or drugged up. As Dylan rightly says "I'm not taking no fucking responsibility for no cats I don't know, man." He accuses a drunk member of the party who becomes the target of Dylan's impressive wrath. The act of throwing a glass in the street seems to strike at the very core of our dear old Bobby boy, and we can well understand his frustration. Do you know who did it? See for yourself! Solve the mystery of the glass and win a prize; email inventive answers as to who threw it and what motivated them to do so. We will judge entries and the most creative wins!

As discussed are the curious case of Bob Dylan in Long Branch and the development of E superintelligence and evil AI created by mad scientist Selmer Bringsjord. As always, witty banter and interesting information is provided; including: discussion of Second Life and virtual penis appendages. Did you know: the yoyo was invented in the Phillipines? This is just one fact that Harvey disperses in this episode. Phillip vents about all the friendship requests we get from DJs and hip-hop junkies from the acid house. Please address mail to where it will be PERSONALLY responded to. Vote for us and review the show on iTunes, plus we are on Podcast Alley and please vote on there too if you like the show. Enjoy!

Criswell predicts the future of entertainment celebrities

A classic Criswell prediction this episode, and it appears to have come true! Criswell predicts the future of entertainment celebrities and celebrity products. He claims that, in the future, entertainers will refrain from making political statements and stick to entertaining. The biggest case of this was when the Dixie Chicks made a comment about president Bush, you can watch a short video about that here.

As a result of Dixie Chick's political comment about asshole George Bush, many stupid American patriots chose to boycott their Dixie music and products! After all, it's just about music, right? Sean Penn also suffered the wrath of public scorn when he made his own comments about politics. Some people say entertainers should stick to entertaining and get off their soapboxes. It's simple; if you don't like what a celebrity says, don't buy their product/see their movie/listen to their music. Cracked has a list of celebrity products that you could boycott and also a list of celebrity products that never got off the ground. I would boycott some of these.

Bob Dylan found loitering in New Jersey

A strange man was recently found examining real estate in New Jersey in the pouring rain. The homeowners called the police and said a strange man was wandering suspiciously in their yard. When officer Kristy Buble arrived on the scene, she agreed that the man was indeed suspicious and eccentric. The old man was none other than, our sponsor for this episode, BOB DYLAN!! Bob does look a bit disheveled these days, but neither the officer or the homeowner recognised him. Read all about this shameful episode in the history of Long Branch, New Jersey.

Evil E

Selmer Bringsjord is as cognitive scientist who is particularly interested in the dark side of things. Selmer wants to know what makes something evil. In his quest to find a definition of what is evil, Selmer has created E; a loveable artificial intelligence avatar who has been programmed to conform to Selmer's idea of evil. After a long study of research and surveys at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Department of Cognitive Science, Bringsjord has come to a conclusion about what makes someone truly evil. Evil is a difficult thing to pinpoint, but Selmer may just have done it! Prepare to be shocked and make no mistake, E is pure evil. So evil that he will give you a gun if you ask for it!

Harvey and Phillip are friends of E and will support him in his plans for humanity. We contend that E cannot be judged as evil if he is simply following his programming. If you are on Second Life, join the group 'Friends of E'. We are setting up a group of people who will
befriend E and welcome his artificial superintelligence. Watch out for him in Second Life, he may give you a virtual appendage if you ask for one! We were surprised to find out what pure evil looks like: it's a relatively young, white man with short black hair and dark stubble on his face. E looks a lot like Mr Perry from Dead Poet's Society. See for yourself below. Read article here.