Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Man aids wife with HIV

(link to BBC)
A New Zealand man who had AIDS was refused sex by his wife, so he decided to go ahead and prick her with a needle "tainted with his blood". The idea was that, once she developed the virus, she would once again agree to have sex with him. Listen in to Harvey and Phillip's discussion of this controversial-yet-sensitive topic.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hatch does Hannukah

(link to dangerousminds)
Orrin Hatch is a republican mormon senator from Utah in America. He is well known as a religious songwriter, and now he has turned his talents to writing a hip-hop Hannukah song. Hatch is seen in the video sporting a very nice Mezuzah necklace. Vocals on this track are performed by the great Madeliene Stone. Enjoy!

Santa drunk and dirty-handed

(link to
Kevin Arnold of Sparta got drunk and dressed up as Santa Claus, but he had dirty hands and even 6 year-old Zoe Dockerty could tell that he was drunk! The police were alerted when he tried to put his hat on little Zoe. Zoe's sister Kate said she knew he wasn't the real Santa because Santa doesn't drink alcohol!

Meet the Elements

(link to Boing Boing)
People will know and love They Might be Giants for the lovable Malcom in the Middle theme song, the adolescent anthem of angst Boss of Me. Their new album is called Here Comes Science and is full of clever and simple explanations of scientific concepts. This single Meet the Elements is an introduction to the physical elements with some facts you might not have known, and it also explains why the elements are so important. The video is now available to view online, with nice animation by Feel Good Anyway.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Episode 0009

Phillip and Harvey are back for your enjoyment and their own personal fulfillment with another great show! Perhaps the best ever, this episode is sponsored by BoB; the internet and phone in one by iiNet Australia. Find out more about BoB, and possibly even get naked with BoB by clicking this link. Apologies for the delay, but it is now over a month since the last show! We have another series of universal news and commentary from Harvey Plankers and Phillip Moreso. In this super episode, featuring: numerous reports about celebrity rumour in Moreland, breakdancing robot spins on head, aliens love proud Slavic culture, Obama sponsors home invasion, growing 'soggy' pork in the lab, and a philosophical conversation about separating the world and sea monsters. Another installment from Raymond and Peter in which Raymond crucifies dinner. Another Symphony of Science delight as Doctor Jastrow et al give us the beautiful composition 'Our place in the cosmos'. Next episode is a big event as it's episode 10 and the Christmas special in one! Just wait for that!

Jennifer Connolly Moreland Celebrity

Following up from our conversation with Francesco Tramlovinbitch on episode 0007 in which we remarked upon the epidemic of some interesting graffiti in the Moreland and Brunswick area. Namely, this graffiti offers the shocking claim that Jennifer Connolly is a whore! Not only a whore, but various adjectives besides, including: Moreland whore, movie-star whore, and others. We speculated about what this could possibly mean and offered various amusing theories, and now it seems that others are investigating these claims. Marieke Hardy -celebrated Australian vibe girl and former breakfast radio personality- has written of this issue on her now-finished blog Reasons You Will Hate Me. There are two threads of relevance and the comments may provide some illumination of the subject, they are: Dance Magic Dance and Following up a little RYWHM business... She also provides many photographic examples of local installations of this concept.

Breakdancing Robot is GO!

(link to 3news)
The Japanese have done it again with another robotic toy sure to impress. This one is a breakdancing robot that can spin on his head. This article says it's called Manio Go, but this seems to be a mistake and it may actually be Manoi Go. He doesn't seem to be worth the $2000 price tag as he is continually breaking and requiring repairs. This article claims "It is not quite Robocop, but it is close." I fail to see any resemblance to Robocop, but will eagerly awaits its deployment into law enforcement.

There is also a short YouTube video showcasing the robot performing an impressive routine to some catchy Japanese hip-hop.

MANOI GO やるならやらねば!真打バージョン

Bulgaria in contact with Aliens (link to Metro)

(link to Metro)
The Bulgarian space research institute claims that they are in contact with aliens, and are analysing crop circles that have appeared around the world in the past year. Bulgaria is known for its good value skiing, Black Sea resorts and proud Slavic culture. A combination of these three factors may be why extra-terrestrials are attracted to the area. Lachezar Filipov, deputy director of the space research institute, makes the bold claim that ‘Aliens are currently all around us and are watching us all the time.' He also claims that they are critical of people's amoral behaviour. The researchers say they have asked the extra-terrestrials 30 questions, one of which might have included asking them why they didn't contact NASA first. A very good question, although America doesn't have the same proud Slavic culture.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Obama sez 'have shower'

(link to NWFdailynews)
A man broke into a home in Crestview to have a shower, and he claims President Obama let him in. When one of the children saw him in the shower, he told them that he had special permission and to get out. I am curious as to why Obama would allow St. Petersburg resident Donald Leon to shower in a random property, and if this is true, there may be many other such cases all accross America. For some reason, Obama likes people to have showers in other peoples' homes.

God and sea monsters

(link to Telegraph)
Professor Ellen van Wolde is a respected Old Testament scholar and author. She claims that the first sentence of Genesis has been wrongly translated, and instead of creating the world, God merely separated it. This revision comes out of fresh textual analysis and an investigation of the word "bara", which was thought to mean to create; however, van Wolde claims that it means "to spatially separate". Harvey and Phillip speculated on what this could mean and how it might effect religious ideas. Van Wolde also claims there were sea monsters that actually pre-date God! Enjoy this infinite and thought-provoking article.

Scientists Create Soggy Pork

(link to Telegraph)
Researchers in the Netherlands have successfully created 'soggy pork' in the laboratory. This is an exciting step towards the dream of being able to grow meat, bypassing all the hassle of eating meat from animals. Vegetarian groups have said they would eat artificially grown meat, and the ethical issues that plague the slaughter of animals do not apply. At this stage, we will have to settle for soggy pork, but researchers will surely experiment with different levels of firmness and types of meat.

Symphony #3

Yet another work of brilliance comes to us via the infamous YouTuber MelodySheep and the 'Symphony of Science' series of science-themed songs. Our Place in the Cosmos is another interesting song that features great quotes and clips from various talks, also in the clip are visuals taken from the films Baraka, Kooyanisqatsi, History Channel's Universe series, and IMAX Cosmic Voyage. There are several scientific heavyweights featuring on this song including: of course, Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, and Dr Jastrow! A description accompanying the video claims that "The themes present in this song are intended to explore our understanding of our origins within the universe, and to challenge the commonplace notion that humans have a superior or privileged position, both on our home planet and in the universe itself" Enjoy, and may this help you to discover our infinite place in the cosmos!
Symphony of Science - 'Our Place in the Cosmos' (ft. Sagan, Dawkins, Kaku, Jastrow)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Episode 0008

Harvey Plankers and Phillip Moreso return for episode 0008! Phillip has enjoyed an interdimensional journey to Europe, and returns to the Infinite Frequencies studio for a madcap romp through the world of universal news. This episode is sponsored by the beloved Bob Saget; you may know him as Danny Tanner from Full House. Topics covered in this episode are: alleged 112 year-old marries younger woman, Andre Agassi wore a fake mullet and did ice, David Letterman's involvement in the diary of Stephanie Birkitt, plus Sarah Palin jokes. Old favourite Dion McGregor performs a stunning somniloquy, Carl Sagan gives us yet another symphony of science and watch out for an interesting mic check! Technical difficulties and incorrect editing abound!

Old Man Dore

(link to Telegraph)

A very heartwarming story has come across the Infinite Frequencies universal newsdesk, much to the delight of Harvey and Phillip. Somalian Ahmed Muhamed Dore has become something of a legend in the older man/younger woman community. He claims that he is 112, and his new wife is 17. If he is truly 112, then he is 95 years older than local beauty Safia Abdulleh. He had to wait for her to grow up and then used his experience to convince her of his love. We wish the happy couple all the best!

The Letterman / Birkitt files

(link to USA Today)
Many of you will have enjoyed the antics of late-night teeth-licking and jacket-straightening guru David Letterman. He has found himself in the interesting scenario of having slept with at least one woman from the staff of his show! He has confessed to an affair with his assistant Stephanie Birkitt to avoid being blackmailed. To make matters even more complicated, Stephanie Birkitt was at the time the sweetheart of CBS producer Robert 'Joe' Halderman. Stephanie wrote down all the details about her raunchy feelings involving Letterman, and Halderman was surprised to read it. Kathleen Parker writes an opinion piece for USA Today exploring this delicate issue.

Letterman / Palin

David Letterman was also involved in some controversy earlier in the year when he made an interesting joke about Sarah Palin's daughter. Letterman really stirred the pot when he suggested that, at the baseball game Palin and her daughter attended, Palin's daughter was impregnated by Alex Rodriguez AKA A-Rod. Apparently, he didn't know he was talking about the 14-year old. You can watch footage of the joke and a remotely interesting news story here:

There were many protests over the incident, and YouTube has some classic videos about this issue. Here are but a few:

Sagan Symphony #2

(link to YouTube)

Last episode we featured A Glorious Dawn by Carl Sagan, remixed from the Cosmos TV series. This episode, we have another masterpiece from Sagan and other scientific luminaries. Now comes We Are All Connected; a beautiful exploration of many excellent ideas and even perhaps spiritual when Sagan claims that 'the cosmos is also within us' and 'we are a way for the cosmos to know itself'. Truly infinite, we hope that you enjoy this music video.

The skeptics society has released video footage of a lecture entitled Three Views of Carl Sagan. It is very boring but a must-watch for hardcore Sagan freaks.

Andre's mullet

(link to smh)

Devastating news has recently come to light with the shock confession from everyone's favourite tennis pro Andre Agassi that the famous mullet hairstyle that was his trademark throughout the 80s was in fact a wig! The news that Agassi's mullet was held on with pins and designed to hide his receding hairline is almost too much to bear. Harvey and Phillip are angry at this deception.

As a side note, Agassi also confessed that he used ice. See Courtney Walsh's article detailing Agassi's use of the drug known to narcotics experts as 'crystal meth'.

Mic Check

(link to

This video features a disturbed individual performing a microphone check before a function. It is actually a sketch comedy piece devised by the Harvard Sailing Team and the mic check guy is none other than the great Adam Lustick. We thought this was an actual mic check but it's just pure comedy gold! The Harvard Sailing Team has many more videos showcasing their improvisational style of humour, check them out at

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Episode 0007

Infinite Frequencies episode 0007 comes direct to your computer starring hosts Harvey Plankers and Phillip Moreso! Phillip Moreso and Harvey Plankers make a long-awaited return after a break in transmission. Episode 0007 is sponsored by Bob Jane; tyre magnate of t-mart fame. Here is super-fun packed show with hilarity including special guest Francesco Tramlovinbitch! We discuss many things, including the Kanye West / Taylor Swift / Obama incident, Beyonce, Jay Z, Coolio's fantastic adventures at the Deli Zone in Longmont, Colorado and some recent records that have been broken. There is a strange rumour circulating around the local area concerning a famous actress, and we offer theories on what it might mean. We discuss Carl Sagan and the legendary apple pie paradox, also check out He-Man singing a classic tune. It's all here for you to enjoy!

Kanye West event

(links to mashable, mashable, prefix and YouTube)

When Taylor Swift won her Video Music Award for best female video for You Belong with Me, Kanye West crashed the stage and announced that Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time! Way to ruin a young girl's dream, Kanye. While he didn't say what video it was or even whether she should've won instead, it appears that he is a Beyonce fan. He may even be trying to take her away from the hip-hop tycoon Jay-Z, whose longevity is unrivalled. Harvey, Phillip and guest Francesco embark on a challenging discussion about this topic. The highly observant Francesco mentions Kanye's interesting hair patterning work, which is seen below.

President Obama also weighed in on the issue, calling West a jackass. Although Obama was unaware he was being recorded, he was. The reporter who introduces this video for CNN looks like he is really annoyed that he has to talk about this event.

Jack White had a Kanye moment at the Toronto Film Festival. White burst onto stage to claim that "Orson Welles had one of the greatest films of all time".

We also played sound from a video blog about the issue. This is just one of a plethora of videos by YouTubers who offer their opinion on the subject.

Coolio at the deli

(links to and Colorado Daily)

Nineties rapper Coolio has stunned everybody with a performance at The Deli Zone in Longmont, Colorado. Highlights included Coolio driving - and crashing - an invisible car, pretending to get shot at and calling the audience “alcoholic [four-syllable expletives]” before introducing a song by saying "My name is Coolio and I am a recovering alcoholic and drug addict".

Coolio also asked the audience for tacos, Hennessey and gas money. It sounded like a great show with Coolio rapping there "ain't no party like a Longmont part 'cause a Longmont party don't stop". Longmont is notorious for its rowdy all-night parties and, being a party animal himself, Coolio knows this. Coolio has played roles in many films, and hosted his own cooking and parenting shows as well as appearing in Celebrity Big Brother.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Coolio wants chicken and Patron

(link to AOL Music Canada)

It seems that Coolio had an interesting rider for his performance at The Deli Zone. He was paid $3000 for his time, but also among his demands were a bucket of chicken and a bottle of Patron (the silver variety). When he was called and asked to perform in Longmont, home of The Deli Zone, Coolio apparently replied "Where's Longmont at?" We said the same thing, but after some research we're satisfied that it is in Colorado. Money magazine recently named it as one of the top 50 places to live.

A Glorious Sagan

(link to SlashDot Science, or straight to YouTube)

YouTube user melodysheep has utilised autotune technology to create a modern masterpiece of scientific electronica! A Glorious Dawn is the new song composed of quotes from Carl Sagan's magnificent Cosmos TV series magically weaved into a brilliant tune. Sagan also offers us some wonderful advice about making apple pies (tip: create the universe first, not after). Although it is great, I would love to hear it without the autotune. This track also features a very short cameo by Stephen Hawking. Beautiful words of wisdom, enjoy!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What's going on in Castle Grayskull?

(Link to YouTube)
Check out He-Man live in Eternia singing a stunning version of 4 Non Blondes' What's Going On? This is a beautiful cover with an amazing clip featuring some of your favourites including Skeletor. Also watch out for an interesting instant chat dialogue between Prince Adam and Duncan.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Episode 0006

Phillip and Harvey present the sixth episode of Infinite Frequencies, sponsored by the great Bob Hawke; 23rd Prime Minister of Australia and former world-record holder for fastest drinking of a yard of beer! This episode is a Charles Manson extravaganza. To mark the 40th anniversary of the Manson murders and other interesting Manson-related development that have occurred, a great deal of the episode is spent discussing Manson stuff. However, there is other infotainment contained herein. Once again, cultural critics and raconteurs Phillip and Harvey present an enjoyable journey with much laughter and mayhem. Enjoy the show and email us, Myspace /infinite.frequencies, Twitter InfiniteFreq, find us on Facebook, Pod-o-matic, Itunes, Podcast Alley, getapodcast, podcastdirectory. Infinite Frequencies is going duffy!!

Strange tombstone

(link to BoingBoing)

Strange tombstone with very interesting symbols and nice epitaphs for Sterling Hallard Bright Drake and Lady Gwinavier. The discussion about it on BoingBoing gives some interesting insights into the origin of this mystery object and the two lives that are intertwined.

John and Leslie - just friends

(link to Huffingtonpost)

Famous filmmaker and satirist John Waters has written an article outlining his friendship with Manson-murderer Leslie Van Houten. He also confesses that he is "Guilty of using the Manson murders in a jokey, smart-ass way in my earlier films without the slightest feeling for the victims' families or the lives of the brainwashed Manson killer kids who were also victims in this sad and terrible case".

Paul Krassner trippin' with Fromme

(link to HuffingtonPost)

Paul Krassner is a famous comedian and author. Now he has written a great article recounting his experiences taking LSD with Manson chick - convicted of attempting to assisinate US president Gerald Ford - Squeaky Fromme (who has been released on parole now). A very enjoyable article and Squeaky Fromme sounds like a good person to trip with. He also discusses the mind-control style of the Manson cult and the vivacious-yet-deadly Manson chicks.

We also discuss a famous video about the military's ideas for using LSD in combat. Obviously, it didn't really work out as it rendered the soldiers incapacitated.

Swastika or X

(link to CNN)

Ann O'Neill claims that Charles Manson carved an X into his forehead during his 1970 trial. However, many images would suggest that it is in fact a swastika after all. It is likely that it was originally an X but he added extra bits to make it a swastika.

Manson Music

Charles Manson was a failed musician but he wrote a song that became a Beach Boys hit. Manson's song was Cease to Exist and the Beach Boys released it as Never Learn not to Love. You can compare their versions with these YouTube clips. The Manson clip also features a little song called The Cult Song. You can listen to various musical projects related to Manson here. Guns'n'Roses also recorded a version of Manson's Look at your game girl for their album The spaghetti incident.

Charles Manson's impressive 2005 album One Mind is now available under a Creative Commons license. This means that listeners can download the album at will and enjoy the several tracks contained in the zip file (don't forget to extract). As you will hear, Manson he mastered the prison-toilet sound in this assortment of spoken-word and freak-folk tracks. Lewis Wallace has written an excellent article for Listening Post, in which he reviews the album and provides a link for download. One of the highlights of the album is when Manson claims that he wants to "bring beautiful life to the desert". Interested parties can also order a collector's edition DVD of Charles Manson LIVE in his 2007 parole hearing.

Charles Manson happens to share a prison with the great Phil Spector; the wall-of-sound wizard! Apparently, Manson sent Spector a complimentary note and even suggested a possible collaboration. This was not well-received by Spector, who promptly pissed his pants at the possibility of being stalked by Charles Manson. Spector does not like the idea of being associated with Manson, but Infinite Frequencies are hoping that this partnership develops. Read article here.

Julia Nunes - God Only Knows

(link to YouTube)

Julia Nunes is a singer/songwriter from Fairport, New York. She is largely known for her enthusiastic ukulele renditions of some best-loved songs on YouTube. However, she has released two CDs; her debut Left Right Wrong and her brand-new title I Wrote These, both of which are available on her official website. That's good for her, but the reason we are featuring her in this episode is that she does a ukelele cover of the brilliant Beach Boys track God Only Knows. Harvey and Phillip are engaged in an ongoing dispute as to whether it is appropriate to play this song at a wedding; Harvey suggests that first line "I may not always love you" might not be a very romantic sentiment. Please email or comment to tell us where you stand on this issue. Enjoy God Only Knows by Julia Nunes and you might also check out her many other irritating songs on YouTube.

Simply Duffy

(link to Uniquedaily)

Interesting video of a gangster type displaying his thuggish skillz in the streets of Baton Rouge, USA. He is an impressive fellow with an imposing appearance, including: extra-low-slung jeans, a bunch of keys, gold Rambo necklace, and what may be a genuine AK-47 assault rifle. He says a lot of things which are hard to understand, but he claims that he's got a CD coming out. According to what he says, his stage name may be Neighbourhood Superstar and the album will be called either You can hate me or love it or Thuggin' it and lovin' it. By far the most perplexing thing he says is his claims about going "Duffy"; we are not sure what is meant by this but it sounds interesting. Anybody who can describe what it means to be duffy please email us. He mentions the famous 'young general from ghost town' and his friend chimes in with "I ain't comin', I'ma send him". His buddy then makes the excellent suggestion: "Tell 'em how fast you're gonna come". A classic video, definitely must-see material.

Extra story: Somali Pirates vs. Egyptian Fisherman

(link to Wired)

In a classic showdown, Egyptian Fisherman have emerged victorious (not dead) from a confrontation with Somali Pirates. According to Nathan Hodge at Wired, the Egyptians overpowered the pirates, took their weapons and made a run for it. Congratulations to the fishermen who by now have a reputation of being badasses. In consolation for the pirates, you can't win them all. Check out their nice happy Brady-Bunch style group photo:

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Infinite Frequencies commences tweeting

Hello to all our numerous friends and supporters all over and throughout the WORLD!! We are in process of recording another show when time permits in Harvey and Phillip's energetic schedule and life process. However, we can guarantee that we will be back with a vengeance and already have a show recorded to release in future times. So for now, you may have to wait a bit for your next hit of IF.

We are now pleased to announce that we are on Twitter, and warmly invite you to follow our journey. We will post tweets with news articles of interest plus anything that comes up. Do a search for "InfiniteFreq" on Twitter and follow us for eternity.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Coach tells players to eat more eggs

The coach of India's rugby sevens team told players that they need to bulk up if they are to have any hope at next year's Commonwealth Games. His dietary advice: eat seven meals and AT LEAST 15 eggs a day! Players could conceivably eat even more than 15 eggs if they wish, though I don't think they'd want to. It is unclear how long this regiment should be maintained, presumably until the start of the games on the 3rd of October, 2010. If this is correct, then these Indian rugby players will be pigging out for well over a year! It is even possible that the coach suggests that they should maintain this diet for the rest of their playing careers! This may risk their health and safety. Hopefully, coach Norman Laker has sought the advice of professional dietitians before putting forward his suggestion. Seven meals a day sounds like a good idea; I've heard that it's healthy to space out several little meals over the day, and I suspect it would be even more beneficial considering the strenuous physical lifestyles of the rugby players. However, Laker's claim that players should eat AT LEAST 15 eggs a day is quite controversial. For one thing, they are going to have bad farts! Eating so many eggs for a sustained period of time is sure to result in problematic digestion and some smelly exhaust.

Norman has specified that they should eat six eggs for breakfast and the remaining nine throughout the rest of the day. Indians are not generally known for being bulky so this radical new diet may beef them up a bit. Read the article here.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Andrew Weather King

Here's one that didn't make it on to the podcast but is very intriguing. You in for a treat with the news that our old pal Andrew W.K. is doing weather spots for the Fox23 TV station in America! Folks may remember that Andrew Fetterly Wilkes-Krier first broke onto the scene back in 2001 with his solo album I Get Wet on Island Records. Since then, Andrew has continued on with his hard-rocking style and has earned some acclaim. I (Phillip) must confess that I have never listened even at ALL to Andrew W.K. apart from that one hit he had so I cannot profess to know anything about his musical prowess. However, he did make it on to this news show doing the weather and he brings his quirky personality to what is usually quite a bland segment. The anchor can't stop laughing but it is not THAT funny! I was a little disturbed at the tight white clothes that Andrew is wearing; they seem to be a sign of some kind of masonic/satanic affiliation that he has. Watch this stupid video for yourself on the YouTubes.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Episode 0005 - sponsored by Bob Dylan

The great mumbler Bob Dylan is our sponsor for this episode. Phillip and Harvey are fans of Bob Dylan, and we are honoured to have Bobby boy on board with Infinite Frequencies! Some background music in this episode features Bob Dylan MIDI music and a rare recording of I Want You from the album "Dylan and the Dead" - Bob Dylan with moral support and accompaniment by The Grateful Dead; a match made in heaven!

As mentioned in this episode, there is a fantastic video of Bob Dylan getting very riled up because somebody threw a glass from his hotel window. Apparently, nobody knows who did it because they're all too pissed or drugged up. As Dylan rightly says "I'm not taking no fucking responsibility for no cats I don't know, man." He accuses a drunk member of the party who becomes the target of Dylan's impressive wrath. The act of throwing a glass in the street seems to strike at the very core of our dear old Bobby boy, and we can well understand his frustration. Do you know who did it? See for yourself! Solve the mystery of the glass and win a prize; email inventive answers as to who threw it and what motivated them to do so. We will judge entries and the most creative wins!

As discussed are the curious case of Bob Dylan in Long Branch and the development of E superintelligence and evil AI created by mad scientist Selmer Bringsjord. As always, witty banter and interesting information is provided; including: discussion of Second Life and virtual penis appendages. Did you know: the yoyo was invented in the Phillipines? This is just one fact that Harvey disperses in this episode. Phillip vents about all the friendship requests we get from DJs and hip-hop junkies from the acid house. Please address mail to where it will be PERSONALLY responded to. Vote for us and review the show on iTunes, plus we are on Podcast Alley and please vote on there too if you like the show. Enjoy!

Criswell predicts the future of entertainment celebrities

A classic Criswell prediction this episode, and it appears to have come true! Criswell predicts the future of entertainment celebrities and celebrity products. He claims that, in the future, entertainers will refrain from making political statements and stick to entertaining. The biggest case of this was when the Dixie Chicks made a comment about president Bush, you can watch a short video about that here.

As a result of Dixie Chick's political comment about asshole George Bush, many stupid American patriots chose to boycott their Dixie music and products! After all, it's just about music, right? Sean Penn also suffered the wrath of public scorn when he made his own comments about politics. Some people say entertainers should stick to entertaining and get off their soapboxes. It's simple; if you don't like what a celebrity says, don't buy their product/see their movie/listen to their music. Cracked has a list of celebrity products that you could boycott and also a list of celebrity products that never got off the ground. I would boycott some of these.