Monday, October 10, 2011

Episode 0022 / part 1

Infinite Frequencies is back after a long break in transmission. Harvey is back from an extended vacation and finally free from the clutches of Bill, or is he? We seem to have skipped over episode 21 and go right to 22. In this episode, we run with the theme of mind control:

- Pastafarian Austrian wears strainer on head
- Shocking information about tin-foil helmets and MIND CONTROL abilities
- In-depth analyses and discussion on the recent spate of language breakdowns and journalist malfunctions
- Jake Benson autotune songify of Serence Branson's 'migraine aura'
- Judge Judy gibberish (she always speaks in gibberish)
- Ed Milliband speech malfunction - human or android?

This episode comes in two parts, so this is actually only part one. Tune in again for part two as Phillip Moreso solely commands the rest of the episode. Much interesting chatter ensues and awaits those who dare listen to part two!

The brilliant background music you heard was provided by: Mad Creudo, Humberto Luis Schenone, Zodio, Bob Wizman, super nic e-bob, Patoi, Hox Vox. All songs are Creative Commons licensed and freely available on the web.

Mind control, language malfunctions, garbled reporters, and Judge Judy gibberish

We begin our conversation on the theme of mind control and related issues.

Pasta fairy

We discuss Austrian driver Mr NIKO ALM (see above driver's license) and his struggle for irreligious freedom! He happens to be a self-proclaimed pastafarian, which means that, in conjunction with smoking many joints, he worships the flying spaghetti monster! Flying spaghetti monster has become a power symbol for atheists everywhere and presents a solid case against/for religion and a cool monster in one! To put it bluntly, the belief in an all-powerful deity or GOD makes just as much sense as the belief in a flying spaghetti monster, which presumably would smear bolognese or associated sauces all over the landscape. Therefore, if there is no visible sign of saucery (pun) then we shall presume that there is no spaghetti monster, flying or otherwise. To continue with story of NIKO ALM, he likes to express his pastafarianism by wearing a pasta strainer on his head! For a long time he has been refused the right to wear his headgear in a driver's license photo, but now he has been allowed! Infinite Frequencies are proud of Niko and his struggles, and we celebrate pasta!

Tin foiled

Mind control, alien abduction, thought reading, and other paranormal phenomena has long been thought to be inhibited by the wear of a tin or aluminium foil helmet or hat on one's head, but now it seems that may just be superstition. In this article by Disinformation, MIT's Ali Rahimi and SEVERAL colleagues found out that far from blocking, tin foil actually maginfies radio waves and frequencies that will do the damage.

'The helmets amplify frequency bands that coincide with those allocated to the US government between 1.2 Ghz and 1.4 Ghz. According to the FCC, These bands are supposedly reserved for radio location (ie, GPS), and other communications with satellites. The 2.6 Ghz band coincides with mobile phone technology. Though not affiliated by government, these bands are at the hands of multinational corporations.It requires no stretch of the imagination to conclude that the current helmet craze is likely to have been propagated by the Government, possibly with the involvement of the FCC. We hope this report will encourage the paranoid community to develop improved helmet designs to avoid falling prey to these shortcomings.'

And so it happens that Disinformation is dispelling disinformation; a possible quadruple-negative and quite ironic I must say. With this news, I would suggest constructing a helmet out of some other denser material for all your anti-mind control needs.

Disturbing Serenity
Serene Branson was live reporting at the grammys for KCBS and they crossed to her for HIGHLIGHTS and BACKSTAGE COVERAGE! She then suffered what was thought to be a stroke or mini stroke, and later the official story changed to a MIGRAINE AURA! She spouted gibberish and nonsensical language that could be a sign of mind control. For those who haven't seen it, here is the original footage:
serene branson reporting live HD QUALITY after the grammys 2011 CBS2 LA

Then there is this reverse-speech analysis of the incident. According to this clip, she was making a dire prophecy about the end of days. Apparently it is played backwards and slowed down, but I am sceptical of this claim. Read along with the supertitles as Serene blows your mind with revelations:
Serene Branson Grammys Reporter Disaster Message Not Stroke

Seen here appearing on CBS Early Show, Serene Branson is LIVE on the couch to debrief and fill us in on what she experienced! What a rare treat it is to glimpe the mind of Serene as she recounts her adventurous episode outside the Grammys. This is the infamous interview where Serene is said to have suffered a 'complicated' migraine. She claims to have been terrified, confused, and didn't know what was going on. She didn't feel right for a while before going on air and thought she was just tired, but as soon as she did she knew something was 'terribly wrong.' She wanted to say 'Lady Antebellum swept the grammies' but couldn't. She was scared, nervous, and felt embarassed about what happened. It is an important point that she had NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED! She went to a neurologist and was diagnosed as having had a migraine aura. I don't know what the accuracy of a retrospective diagnosis like that is, but the neurologist could easily have been paid off or coerced if this was MIND CONTROL! Remember, our theme is mind control and that is our angle on this story. Is it funny? Not really, but it's kind of interesting (to me at least)
Serene Branson: "I just thought I was tired"

For more info about migraine aura and the Serene event, there is this very rational video:
On camera "stroke" was a migraine

Heavy Bird-tation
Legendary mixer and songify guru Jake Benson has compiled a comprehensive remix of Serene Branson's language malfunction. This is well worth a listen and has a catchy tune AND beat! This is the FULL-LENGTH remix, clocking in at 2:47. You can get a shorter version, which gives you the overall vibe of the piece.
Serene Branson (Jake Benson Full Length Remix)

McAllister's mind
Another one! Here's Mark McAllister going off, and by 'off' I mean saying "hues of the garbens of today". Yes, he really does say it. He's reporting from Japan, and talking about military deployments. Same old story; reporter tries to talk, ends up finding they can only speak gobbledy-gook nonsense words. Mind control?
Mind Control? Reporter Mark McAllister's Nonsensical Speach (Subtitled)

Carlson control
Here's Madison Wisconin CBS news reporter Sarah Carlson in what seems to be the most disturbing loss of linguistic function. She is visibly shaken by what occurs, and seems to be implicating Obama in an exorcism. She also says the word 'breenritz', which I'm sure for most of us is unfortunately the first and only time we will hear such a beautiful word.
Mind Control? Sarah Carlson Live On News Broadcast!

Cermakova control
These language attacks are happening more. Now from the Czech republic, this is a new case of Jana Cermakova - ANOTHER REPORTER! The NWO are taunting us! If they can do it to reporters, they can do it to anyone. You can see how much she struggles, and anyone who knows Czech will know what she is saying.
Události 14.4.2011 - Jana Čermáková (ČT24) - Co se jí stalo? What happened to her?

Another Benson Jake remix of this classic McAllister moment! This one's only 51 seconds long, but it's 51 seconds of classic McAllister:
Mark McAllister Nonsense (Jake Benson Remix)

Shapeshifting analysis
Now we get to the heavy stuff! This is YouTuber FrequencyFence's epic analyses of these language malfunctions. His contention is that these reporters are reptillian shapeshifters, and he analyses frame-by-frame the facial movements and distortions that are quite startling. Some of the images are very intriguing.
Reptilian Reporters Garbled Speech Explained

EXCLUSIVE: Cameras Rolled During Judge Judy Health Scare, 'I Need To Stop' She Told Audience
Click here to find out more!
Judge Judy Sheindlin had a 'health scare' LIVE in court! In taping for her TV show, she began to speak gibberish and utter nonsensical terms. She had to excuse herself and said 'I need to stop, I'm not feeling well.'

Savage attack
Micheal Savage - conservative talker and overall funnyman - sums up the phenomenon and claims that this is no big deal as Judge Judy always speaks nonsensical language anyway! He also claims that the only people who watch Judge Judy are idots who sit at home all day eating candy and collecting welfare! A bold claim indeed.
Michael Savage Attacks Judge Judy Talking Crazy Gibberish on Television - (4/1/11)

Episode 22 part 2

Episode 22 continues with Phillip Moreso and his rambling commentary on and off topics. This installment kicks off with a round of 'Criswell Predicts' in which the amazing Criswell delivers a bold and stirring prophecy, despite his problems on The Johnny Carson Show. Other topics include:
  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and its application in mind control
  • Amazing dogs of the furred reich (no Hitler jokes)
  • Talking pets
  • Explore the dub side
All the best! Thanks for listening and enjoying the show. Rate, comment, subscribe, hate, love Infinite Frequencies on the internet!

The brilliant background music you heard was provided by: Children Of Occitania, Pablo Ribot with God Pussy, Bob Wizman, Sinestesia, MarciaAlexandria, MAG: Mokrane Akim Gilles, i, cactus, miyoshimasato.  All songs are Creative Commons licensed and freely available on the web.

Ed Miliband or Milibland?

Ed Miliband is the leader of the labour party of in Britain. In this clip we see what could be a very-lifelike android that appears to be the real Ed Miliband. He keeps saying 'At a time when negotiations are still going on', 'The government has acted in a reckless and provocative manner', and 'Put aside the rhetoric, get around the negotiating table, and stop it happening again'. His spiel seems to go round in circles, and is classic political propaganda tactics. He may be the human Ed Miliband, but some of his facial gestures seem quite odd (like when he blinks and nods) and his eyeballs look artificial. Either way he's not real real, but is he human real? He could even be under the influence of mind control, that or ice.
These Strikes are Wrong - Ed Milliband

Judge Judy , 4th Talking Head to Speak Gibberish on the Air (1 month apart each)

Although this video was taken down, it miraculously reappeared and now you are ABLE to view it! This is a concise demonstration of what TRANSCRANIAL MAGNETIC STIMULATION can do and be used for. Mind control anyone? That's a rhetorical question, you're probably not going to say yes anyway. Could this TRANSCRANIAL MAGNETIC STIMULATION be used to affect the kinds of things we've seen with language malfunctions? Is it just possible that this technology has been secretly developed and the powers-that-be are testing them out on reporters AND Judge Judy? You will see that:
  • TRANSCRANIAL MAGNETIC STIMULATION can alter speech/make speech impossible
  • TRANSCRANIAL MAGNETIC STIMULATION can affect subject's ability to perform tasks
  • TRANSCRANIAL MAGNETIC STIMULATION can severely impair subject's cognitive functioning
This is something that everyone needs to know. TRANSCRANIAL MAGNETIC STIMULATION is real and whatever your personal feelings about it, it is a kind of magic. Watch the video:

Judge Judy , 4th Talking Head to Speak Gibberish on the Air (1 month apart each)

REPTOID REPORTERS - Serene Branson + Sarah Carlson + Co. - YouTube

Lola! Great song by The Kinks, and covered by many other musical groups of course. The following is a clip from YouTube and it includes this song! You might be happy just to hear the song and watch a filmclip for it, as you could simply be a fan of The Kinks or of the name 'Lola'. But wait, there's more. The visual accompaniment to this CLASSIC song is a series of images cut from the famous famous 'Tuber FrequencyFence's 'Reptilian Reporters Garbled Speech Explained' video.

REPTOID REPORTERS - Serene Branson + Sarah Carlson + Co.

Hitler's talking dogs

No Hitler jokes here folks, just good clean chat about Nazi attempts to teach dogs to talk. That's right, they tried to teach dogs to talk, even set up classrooms and Frau Schmidt was convinced that some of them could talk! When she asked a dog who Adolf Hitler is, it apparently replied 'Mein Fuhrer'. I'm still not convinced in this dog-human communication thing. A dog in FINLAND was trained to do the Nazi salute, but the Nazi's were furious about that because the dog was imitating Hitler. This information all comes from a book called "Amazing Dogs: A Cabinet of Canine Curiosities" by Dr. Jan Bondeson, and the article I refer to is "Hitler's Talking Dogs" by Maureen Dowd in the New York Times opinion pages.

PS: If anyone buys a copy of the book from the above link to AMAZON, write in the comments that Infinite Frequencies sent you.