Saturday, November 7, 2009

Kanye West event

(links to mashable, mashable, prefix and YouTube)

When Taylor Swift won her Video Music Award for best female video for You Belong with Me, Kanye West crashed the stage and announced that Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time! Way to ruin a young girl's dream, Kanye. While he didn't say what video it was or even whether she should've won instead, it appears that he is a Beyonce fan. He may even be trying to take her away from the hip-hop tycoon Jay-Z, whose longevity is unrivalled. Harvey, Phillip and guest Francesco embark on a challenging discussion about this topic. The highly observant Francesco mentions Kanye's interesting hair patterning work, which is seen below.

President Obama also weighed in on the issue, calling West a jackass. Although Obama was unaware he was being recorded, he was. The reporter who introduces this video for CNN looks like he is really annoyed that he has to talk about this event.

Jack White had a Kanye moment at the Toronto Film Festival. White burst onto stage to claim that "Orson Welles had one of the greatest films of all time".

We also played sound from a video blog about the issue. This is just one of a plethora of videos by YouTubers who offer their opinion on the subject.

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