Friday, June 25, 2010

Episode 17/part 2

Phillip and Alison are back to continue their conversation in part 2 of episode 17!! The talk turns to topics of the volcano in Iceland, Werner Herzog's new offering, lying children, the universal Johnny, our long-awaited Gamer review plus more fun stuff that can be listened to on this episode!! Will you push the button? Download now!

The great Eyjafjallajökull

Phillip and Alison discuss the great volcano and some interesting related videos:

The awesome power of nature is evident in the Icelandic volcano, which has affected travel around Europe and the world. If you watch this touching video, you will be moved to wonder and awe at the immense beauty and destructive power of the infinite universe! Fantastic pictures are accompanied by the brilliant harmonies of Iceland's own Sigur Ros!

Here on Al Jazeera English news there is a segment about the volcano and how to pronounce the name. There is even a guest appearance by a nice Icelandic singer who plays a song on the ukelele about Eyjafjallajökull!!!

There are many different ways to pronounce Eyjafjallajökull, and here is just a short sample video of people trying to say it! It's not easy to say, so it's understandable for them to make a mistake, but it's still funny!!

Where's Werner?

(link to Ebaum's World)

Werner Herzog, the acclaimed director and mastermind, has turned his talents to exploring the phenomenon known as Where's Waldo/Wally. His latest project is a dazzling expose of Waldo's existential crisis and the 'litany of picture postcards' that document his strange journeys. Although we may know where, we don't really know the who, why or how of Waldo's amazing quest. Classic Herzog!

Children lie, it's true!

(link to Telegraph)

This article claims that children who lie will be more successful later in life! The earlier a child starts telling convincing lies the more likely they are to be a success in later life.

Here's Johnny! He remembers

(link to Vimeo)

A masterpiece is delivered here by none other than Ashleigh Nankivell! She got her hands on an creepy old Public Service Announcement from TV, worked some After Effects magic on it, and made it even creepier and cooler. The result is a very interesting little PSA with occult and supernatural themes, and message to the heroic little Johnny inside all of us. Ashleigh also has many other fun and interesting videos worth a look.

If you are interested, the original PSA can be found here.

Hot and/or Cold

Masterchef Australia has Katy Perry's hit song 'Hot and Cold' as their theme song for this season. We found a great version on YouTube, by a really cool Ukranian folk/polka band; it's arguably better than Ms Perry's version. This is a great version sung with joy and passion, and it's actually a good song too.
Katy Perry - Hot´n Cold | Russian/Ukraine Version :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Episode 17/part 1

Episode 17 is finally here, sorry for the delay folks. This is a two-part episode featuring Phillip Moreso with special guest the fascinating new Mrs Moreso; Alison! We have a lovely chat in which we discuss many great developments and universal news. Our Bob for this episode is Bob 'Cat' Goldthwaite; best known and loved for his role as Zed in the Police Academy Movies. Topics discussed include:

Weddings involving robot celebrants/priests/pastors/MCs/ministers

Thought-controlled machines that respond to users wishes

Does Bart Simpson have a twin? A compilation of every detention line
Bart Simpson has ever written.

82 year-old receives sustenance from mystical elixir supplied by anonymous goddess.

And more!!! Background music is louder than usual for this episode, please email us and give feedback on what volume you would like the music at. Enjoy!


Here's Jesus in a lung, and here's Yoda in a cloud! People see archetypal images and faces in all sorts of natural phenomena.

'Goddess' gives elixir

(link to Telegraph)

An 82-year old Indian man claims to have had no food or drink for 70 years! Sounds ridiculous, until we consider that the man in question is a breatharian and receives his nourishment from a mystical elixir given to him by a goddess whom he refuses to name. Prahlad Jahni left home when he was 7 to become a sadhu, and he says he stopped eating and drinking when he was 12. There may be doubters among us, however Prahlad was monitored for 15 days in hospital, and did not consume food or drink.

Bart Blackboard

(link to Work Club)

Lovable little rascal Bart Simpson is always finding himself in detention scrawling some truly bizarre and hilarious lines as punishment. Now you get a good opportunity to make sure of everything he wrote. Every line Bart Simpson ever wrote on his humble classroom blackboard has been compiled and scrawled - Bartman style - on a huge blackboard. A video documenting this project can be seen on this website.

Noah's ark found?

(link to Discovery Online)

Some Turkish and Chinese explorers think they might have found Noah's Ark. Apparently, it was made of pepper, crystals and various fibrous materials.

Japanese Thought Technology goes BMI

(link to Telegraph)

Japan is developing a new generation of consumer electronics devices that can read a user's mind and respond to their wishes automatically.

These machines use brain-machine interface (BMI) technology that lets users use thought to perform tasks remotely. For example, you could change the TV channel or turn on the air conditioner with your mind. There is also a suggestion from mastermind Mr Yamauchi that this technology can be installed in an automobile that will sense when the driver is hungry, and promptly drive to the nearest Wendy's family restaurant. However, this technology opens a can of worms that Phillip and Alison can barely scratch the surface of in this brief conversation. And yes, it is possible to scratch the surface of a can of worms!

The first robot wedding?

This article about a high-tech wedding in Japan featuring the i-Fairy in the role of priest/minister.
A Chicago couple dispute the claim that this is the first robot wedding, as their wedding years ago was conducted by the Nuptron-4000.
In an earlier episode, we featured a story about Tiro the robot who acted as the master of ceremonies at a South-Korean wedding.

In light of these facts and allegations, it may not actually be the case that i-Fairy was the first robot minister! You be the judge! Comment on what you think.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Criswell makes another prediction, this time concerning the world of TV advertising! Will/has his prediction come true? Phillip and Alison discuss his startling foretelling of a brave new world. Again Criswell shows us what makes him such a great psychic and personality.