Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Episode 0006

Phillip and Harvey present the sixth episode of Infinite Frequencies, sponsored by the great Bob Hawke; 23rd Prime Minister of Australia and former world-record holder for fastest drinking of a yard of beer! This episode is a Charles Manson extravaganza. To mark the 40th anniversary of the Manson murders and other interesting Manson-related development that have occurred, a great deal of the episode is spent discussing Manson stuff. However, there is other infotainment contained herein. Once again, cultural critics and raconteurs Phillip and Harvey present an enjoyable journey with much laughter and mayhem. Enjoy the show and email us, Myspace /infinite.frequencies, Twitter InfiniteFreq, find us on Facebook, Pod-o-matic, Itunes, Podcast Alley, getapodcast, podcastdirectory. Infinite Frequencies is going duffy!!

Strange tombstone

(link to BoingBoing)

Strange tombstone with very interesting symbols and nice epitaphs for Sterling Hallard Bright Drake and Lady Gwinavier. The discussion about it on BoingBoing gives some interesting insights into the origin of this mystery object and the two lives that are intertwined.

John and Leslie - just friends

(link to Huffingtonpost)

Famous filmmaker and satirist John Waters has written an article outlining his friendship with Manson-murderer Leslie Van Houten. He also confesses that he is "Guilty of using the Manson murders in a jokey, smart-ass way in my earlier films without the slightest feeling for the victims' families or the lives of the brainwashed Manson killer kids who were also victims in this sad and terrible case".

Paul Krassner trippin' with Fromme

(link to HuffingtonPost)

Paul Krassner is a famous comedian and author. Now he has written a great article recounting his experiences taking LSD with Manson chick - convicted of attempting to assisinate US president Gerald Ford - Squeaky Fromme (who has been released on parole now). A very enjoyable article and Squeaky Fromme sounds like a good person to trip with. He also discusses the mind-control style of the Manson cult and the vivacious-yet-deadly Manson chicks.

We also discuss a famous video about the military's ideas for using LSD in combat. Obviously, it didn't really work out as it rendered the soldiers incapacitated.

Swastika or X

(link to CNN)

Ann O'Neill claims that Charles Manson carved an X into his forehead during his 1970 trial. However, many images would suggest that it is in fact a swastika after all. It is likely that it was originally an X but he added extra bits to make it a swastika.

Manson Music

Charles Manson was a failed musician but he wrote a song that became a Beach Boys hit. Manson's song was Cease to Exist and the Beach Boys released it as Never Learn not to Love. You can compare their versions with these YouTube clips. The Manson clip also features a little song called The Cult Song. You can listen to various musical projects related to Manson here. Guns'n'Roses also recorded a version of Manson's Look at your game girl for their album The spaghetti incident.

Charles Manson's impressive 2005 album One Mind is now available under a Creative Commons license. This means that listeners can download the album at will and enjoy the several tracks contained in the zip file (don't forget to extract). As you will hear, Manson he mastered the prison-toilet sound in this assortment of spoken-word and freak-folk tracks. Lewis Wallace has written an excellent article for Listening Post, in which he reviews the album and provides a link for download. One of the highlights of the album is when Manson claims that he wants to "bring beautiful life to the desert". Interested parties can also order a collector's edition DVD of Charles Manson LIVE in his 2007 parole hearing.

Charles Manson happens to share a prison with the great Phil Spector; the wall-of-sound wizard! Apparently, Manson sent Spector a complimentary note and even suggested a possible collaboration. This was not well-received by Spector, who promptly pissed his pants at the possibility of being stalked by Charles Manson. Spector does not like the idea of being associated with Manson, but Infinite Frequencies are hoping that this partnership develops. Read article here.

Julia Nunes - God Only Knows

(link to YouTube)

Julia Nunes is a singer/songwriter from Fairport, New York. She is largely known for her enthusiastic ukulele renditions of some best-loved songs on YouTube. However, she has released two CDs; her debut Left Right Wrong and her brand-new title I Wrote These, both of which are available on her official website. That's good for her, but the reason we are featuring her in this episode is that she does a ukelele cover of the brilliant Beach Boys track God Only Knows. Harvey and Phillip are engaged in an ongoing dispute as to whether it is appropriate to play this song at a wedding; Harvey suggests that first line "I may not always love you" might not be a very romantic sentiment. Please email or comment to tell us where you stand on this issue. Enjoy God Only Knows by Julia Nunes and you might also check out her many other irritating songs on YouTube.

Simply Duffy

(link to Uniquedaily)

Interesting video of a gangster type displaying his thuggish skillz in the streets of Baton Rouge, USA. He is an impressive fellow with an imposing appearance, including: extra-low-slung jeans, a bunch of keys, gold Rambo necklace, and what may be a genuine AK-47 assault rifle. He says a lot of things which are hard to understand, but he claims that he's got a CD coming out. According to what he says, his stage name may be Neighbourhood Superstar and the album will be called either You can hate me or love it or Thuggin' it and lovin' it. By far the most perplexing thing he says is his claims about going "Duffy"; we are not sure what is meant by this but it sounds interesting. Anybody who can describe what it means to be duffy please email us. He mentions the famous 'young general from ghost town' and his friend chimes in with "I ain't comin', I'ma send him". His buddy then makes the excellent suggestion: "Tell 'em how fast you're gonna come". A classic video, definitely must-see material.

Extra story: Somali Pirates vs. Egyptian Fisherman

(link to Wired)

In a classic showdown, Egyptian Fisherman have emerged victorious (not dead) from a confrontation with Somali Pirates. According to Nathan Hodge at Wired, the Egyptians overpowered the pirates, took their weapons and made a run for it. Congratulations to the fishermen who by now have a reputation of being badasses. In consolation for the pirates, you can't win them all. Check out their nice happy Brady-Bunch style group photo: